2013. febr. 28.

Journal of Arabic Literature 43/2-3

Journal of Arabic Literature Volume 43, Issue 2-3, 2012

Arabic Literature, Criticism and Intellectual Thought from the Nahḍah to the Present
pp. 135–136 (2)

 Modernity and Metapoetry in Muḥammad ʿAfīfī Maṭar’s Hunt Poem: Ṭardiyyah
Author: Jaroslav Stetkevych
pp. 137–171 (35)

 How Adab Became Literary: Formalism, Orientalism and the Institutions of World Literature
Author: Michael Allan
pp. 172–196 (25)

 Multiple Intellectual Engagements?
Author: Boutheina Khaldi
pp. 197–226 (30)

 Proxidistant Reading: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of the Nahḍah in U.S. Comparative Literary Studies
Author: Shaden M. Tageldin
pp. 227–268 (42)

 Towards a Critical Theory of al-Nahḍah: Epistemology, Ideology and Capital
Author: Stephen Sheehi
pp. 269–298 (30)

 Al-Azhar in the Bibliographic Imagination
Author: Dahlia E. M. Gubara
pp. 299–335 (37)

 Landscapes of Iraqi Poetry: Reconfiguring the Image of Iraq in the Arabic (and American) Lyric Canon
Author: Mara Naaman
pp. 336–371 (36)

 Contempt: State Literati vs. Street Literati in Modern Iraq
Author: Yasmeen Hanoosh
pp. 372–408 (37)

 The Emergence of the Sixties Generation in Egypt and the Anxiety over Categorization 1
Author: Yasmine Ramadan
pp. 409–430 (22)

 From Flying Carpets to No-Fly Zones: Libya’s Elusive Revolution(s), According to Ruth First, Hisham Matar, and the International Criminal Court
Author: Barbara Harlow
pp. 431–457 (27)

 “Un-grievable” Lives? Contesting Illegality in Suad Amiry’s “Border Diary” Nothing to Lose but Your Life: An 18-Hour Journey with Murad
Author: Brinda J. Mehta
pp. 458–483 (26)

 Discourses of the 2011 Arab Revolutions
Author: Ken Seigneurie
pp. 484–509 (26)

 Fiction of Scandal 1
Author: Tarek El-Ariss
pp. 510–531 (22)

 Moneera Al-Ghadeer. Desert Voices: Bedouin Women’s Poetry in Saudi Arabia. London: I.B. Taurus, 2009. Pp. viii+246.
Author: Michael Allan
pp. 532–534 (3)

 Lucia Volk. Memorials and Martyrs in Modern Lebanon. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2011. Pp. xv + 272.
Author: Ken Seigneurie
pp. 535–537 (3)

 Elisabeth Kendall. Literature, Journalism and the Avant-Garde: Intersection in Egypt. London: Routledge, 2006. Pp. viii+279.
Author: Spencer Scoville
pp. 538–539 (2)

 Alexandra Chreiteh, Always Coca-Cola [Dāʾiman Coca-Cola]. Trans. Michelle Hartman. Northampton, MA: Interlink Books, 2012. Pp. 121.
Author: Suneela Mubayi
pp. 540–542 (3)

 François Déroche. La transmission écrite du Coran dans les débuts de l’islam: Le codex Parisino-petropolitanus. Leiden: Brill, 2009. Pp. 208 + Arabic codices 640.
Author: Mehammed Mack
pp. 543–545 (3)

 Books Received
pp. 546–553 (8)

2013. febr. 26.

Die Welt des Islams - Islamofascism

Die Welt des Islams  Volume 52, Issue 3-4, 2012

dupla száma, provokatív címmel és tálalással (lsd kérdőjel)

 “Islamofascism”? Introduction
Stefan Wild

 Fascism—National Socialism—Arab “Fascism”: Terminologies, Definitions and Distinctions
 Joachim Scholtyseck

 Islamofascism: Four Avenues to the Use of an Epithet
 Reinhard Schulze

 Arabs and Fascism: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives
 Peter Wien

 “Islamofascism”. Remarks on a Current Ideologeme
Author: Moshe Zuckermann

 Iran’s Policy towards Jewish Iranians and the State of Israel. Is the Present Iranian State Islamofascist?
Author: Katajun Amirpur

 The Barbarism from Within—Discourses about Fascism amongst Iraqi and Iraqi-Jewish Communists, 1942-1955
Orit Bashkin

 Securitization of Islam in Europe
 Jocelyne Cesari

 The Arabs as Nazis? Some Reflections on “Islamofascism” and Arab Anti-Semitism
Alexander Flores

 Why the Muslims Must Fight against Nazi Germany: Muḥammad Najātī Ṣidqī’s Plea
Israel Gershoni

 Islam as a ‘Giant Progressive Leap’—Religious Critiques of Fascism and National Socialism,
Götz Nordbruch

 The Invention of “Islamofascism”. Nazi Propaganda to the Arab World and Perceptions from Palestine
René Wildangel

2013. febr. 24.

Der Islam 88/2

Der Islam Volume 88. Issue 2.

az első füzet után egy hónappal felkerült :)

The Rabbit, the Duck, and the Study of Central Asian Legal Documents
Welsford, Thomas

By Grace of Descent: A Conflict between an Īšān and Craftsmen over Donations
Dagyeli, Jeanine Elif

Atā’ī-Mulk and Yārlīqlī-Mulk: Features of Land Tenure in Khiva
Abdurasulov, Ulfatbek

Waqf Administration in Tashkent Prior to and After the Russian Conquest: A Focus on Rent Contracts for the Kūkeldāš Madrasa
Sultonov, Sultonov

Joining the Dots between the Ḫwāğas of East Turkestan: A Šağara Scroll Preserved at the Louvre Museum
Papas, Alexandre


2013. febr. 22.

Arabica 2012

Idén lesznek 60 évesek - talán megajándékozzák az olvasókat néhány ingyenes évfolyammal is. egyelőre csak a 2010/1-es szám szabadon hozzáférhető

Pseudo-Ṯaʿālibī's Book of Youths 
pp. 599-649(51) 
Author: Talib, Adam

A Pseudo-Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī?: The Authenticity of ʿIlm al-qulūb 
pp. 650-684(35) 
Author: Yazaki, Saeko

From his Mother Nūr al-Anṣāriyya to his Šayḫ Fāṭima bt. Ibn al-Muṯannā: Important Female Figures around Muḥyī l-Dīn b. al-ʿArabī (d. 638/1240) 
pp. 685-708(24) 
Authors: Küçük, Hülya

On Women, Power, and Politics During the Last Phase of the Ilkhanate 
pp. 709-723(15) 
Author: Gilli-Elewy, Hend


New Thamudic Inscriptions from Al-Jafr Region in the Southeast of Jordan 
pp. 447-458(12) 
Author: Al-Qudrah, Hussein

The Mahdī and the Treasures of al-ālaqān 
pp. 459-483(25) 
Author: Anthony, Sean W.

Une version ismaélienne de adīs imamites. Nouvelles perspectives sur le traité II du Kitāb al-Kašf attribué à Ğafar b. Manūr al-Yaman (Xe s.) 
pp. 484-509(26) 
Authors: Gillon, Fârès

Mutazilite Aspects of Far al-Dīn al-Rāzī's Thought 
pp. 510-535(26) 
Author: Jaffer, Tariq

« Dites, mais ne dites pas » : le Taqwīm al-lisān d'Ibn al-Ğawzī 
pp. 536-551(16) 
Author: Ghersetti, Antonella

Innocence, Maturation, and Liberation:The Maturation Process in al-Mīdānī b. āli's Work 
pp. 552-598(47) 
Author: Tlili, Sarra


The History of Zaydī Studies An Introduction 
pp. 185-199(15) 
Author: Schmidtke, Sabine

A Kūfan Jurist in Yemen: Contextualizing Muammad b. Sulaymān al-Kūfī's Kitāb al-Muntaab 
pp. 200-217(18) 
Author: Haider, Najam

Biblical Predictions of the Prophet Muĥammad among the Zaydīs of Iran 
pp. 218-266(49) 
Author: Schmidtke, Sabine

Un muaddi mu tazilite zaydite : Abū Sa d al-Sammān al-Rāzī et ses Amālī 
pp. 267-290(24) 
Author: Ansari, Hassan

La causalité selon al-ākim al-Ğišumī 
pp. 291-318(28) 
Author: Thiele, Jan

Al-Manūr bi-Llāh's controversy with Twelver Šīites concerning the occultation of the Imam in his Kitāb al-Iqd al-amīn 
pp. 319-331(13) 
Author: Jarrar, Maher

What Makes a Mahab a Mahab: Zaydī debates on the structure of legal authority 
pp. 332-371(40) 
Authors: Haykel, Bernard; Zysow, Aron

Mutazilism in a 20th century Zaydī Qurān commentary 
pp. 372-403(32) 
Author: Schwarb, Gregor

Zaydī revival in a hostile republic: Competing identities, loyalties and visions of state in Republican Yemen 
pp. 404-445(42) 
Author: King, James Robin


Writing the History of an Arabian Holy City: Ibn Zabāla and the First Local History of Medina 
pp. 1-34(34) 
Author: Munt, Harry

La figure du kātib à partir de la 7e nuit du Kitāb al Imtā wa-l-muānasa de Tawīdī 
pp. 35-52(18) 
Author: Reymond, Pierre-Louis

L'analyse narratologique des récits autobiographiques au service de nouvelles interprétations historiques: l'exemple des Muakkirāt de Muammad Kurd Alī 
pp. 53-86(34) 
Authors: Ezzerelli, Kaïs

Manners and Customs of Literary Appropriation: Mirrors of Ink from Borges, Burton and Lane 
pp. 87-108(22) 
Author: Ling, David J.
Méthodes et débats

Miscellanea coranica I 
pp. 109-133(25) 
Author: Gilliot, Claude

De nouvelles données sur les origines de l'ibadisme et l'élaboration de la théorie de l'imamat 
pp. 134-144(11) 
Author: Prevost, Virginie
Notes et documents

Asāīr al-awwalīn: une expression coranique ambigüe 
pp. 145-156(12) 
Author: Khalfallah, Nejmeddine

Goethe et Taabbaa Šarran, une fois encore 
pp. 157-163(7) 
Author: Larcher, Pierre

2013. febr. 21.

Tuniszi arab mesék

A MENADOC kincsesbányájából elsőként egy kétnyelvű mesegyűjteményt ajánlok, épp 120 éve adták ki :)

 Tunisische Märchen und Gedichte

eine Sammlung prosaischer und poetischer Stücke im arabischen Dialecte der Stadt Tunis ; nebst Einleitung und Übersetzung von Hans Stumme

Az első kötet tartalmazza az arab eredetit és a fonetikus átírást. a második pedig a fordításokat. 

jó olvasást!

a fordítótól fenn van egy marokkói dialektust leíró nyelvtana is

2013. febr. 12.



2013. március 1-3. között rendezi meg az Eötvös József Collegium Orientalisztika Műhelye a 

IV. "Közel, s Távol" Orientalisztika Konferenciát az Eötvös József Collegiumban.

 Részletes program

2013. febr. 10.

Gender and Sexuality in (Neo--)Orientalism

Gender and Sexuality in (Neo-)Orientalism and  - Occidentalism

An Entangled History of European & Middle Eastern Identity Discourses

01.01.2013 – 31.12.2015, Europäisches NWO-Netzwerk

A Cooperation between Belgian, British, Dutch, German, Israel, and Swiss Researchers
and Research Institutions

Main Applicant: Dr. habil. Ulrike Brunotte (Associate Professor) at the Centre for Gender
and Diversity, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University

Researchers from Humboldt-University Berlin: Prof. Dr. Claudia Bruns
(Kulturwissenschaft, HU-Berlin); Prof. Dr. Christina von Braun (Zentrum für Jüdische
Studien Berlin-Brandenburg)

részletes leírás

Az anyanyelv nemzetközi napja - jiddis, ladino és héber


2013 / 02 / 17 / vasárnap / 18:30 – 20:30

Február 21-e az anyanyelv nemzetközi napja – ebből az alkalomból az estét a zsidó nyelveknek szenteljük. 
Az estét Ruvik Rosenthal előadása nyitja: „Jewish languages and their relation to Hebrew – cooperation or fight?” - Az előadás nyelve angol.
Ruvik Rosenthal az Academy of Hebrew Language tagja, a héberrel, mint beszélt nyelvvel számos könyvben, újságcikkben, folyóirat hasábjain foglalkozik.
Az előadást követő koncerten Klein Judit jiddish, ladino és héber nyelvű dalokat énekel.
Belépő: 500 Ft – a Héber Központ tanulói számára a belépés ingyenes.
Helyszín: Első emelet, TEVA terem
Forrás: izraelikultura.hu

Itt meg egy cikk az előadóról