Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies Vol. 13 (2013)
Edited by Lutz Edzard and Stephan Guth
Vol.13/9 (2013) Waed Athamneh and Caroleen Marji Sayej, Engaging the Authoritarian State: Voices of Protest in Syria (.pdf 527 kB, pp. 169–190).
Vol.13/8 (2013) Alexander Magidow, Competing Pressures in Diglossia: Avoiding Colloquial Elements in Writing Modern Standard Arabic (.pdf 691 kB, pp. 146–168).
Vol.13/7 (2013) Almog Kasher, The Term al-fi'l al-muta'addi bi-harf jarr (lit. “the verb which ‘passes over' through a preposition”) in Medieval Arabic Grammatical Tradition (.pdf 608 kB, pp. 115–145).
Vol. 13/6 (2013) Bruno Herin, Do Jordanians really speak like Palestinians? (.pdf 390 kB, pp. 99–114).
Vol. 13/5 (2013) Arin Salamah-Qudsi, Heart's Life With God: al-Ma'rifa bi-llâh (Knowledge of God) in al-Qushayrî's al-Risâla al-Qushayriyya (.pdf 479 kB, pp. 76–98).
Vol. 13/4 (2013) Sandra S. Campbell, Famous Last Words: The Maqâtil of the Zubayrids in Medieval Islamic Histories (.pdf 585 kB, pp. 58–75).
Vol. 13/3 (2013) Lorenz Mathias Nigst, Highway Luzûmiyyât Revisited: Some Thoughts About Abû 'l-'Alâ' al-Ma'arrî, the Freethinker (.pdf 315 kB, pp. 41–57).
Vol. 13/2 (2013) Dorit Gottesfeld, "Mirrors of Alienation": West Bank Palestinian Women's Literature after Oslo (pdf 365 kB, pp. 22–40).
Vol. 13/1 (2013) Farid Hafez, Der Gottesstaat des Esad Bey: Eine Muhammad-Biographie aus der Sicht eines jüdischen Konvertiten zum Islam unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Dimension des Politischen (pdf 422 kB, pp. 1–21).