2014. máj. 29.
Iranistik in Berlin
Aufsätze von Prof. Dr. Manfred Lorenz in Spektrum Iran 2013:
Zur Iranistik in Berlin
Werner Sundermann und die persische Literatur
und als Ausblick: die Institutsgeschichte der FU Berlin, mit weiteren Links
2014. máj. 25.
Indologie in Berlin
Indologie und Südasienstudien in Berlin: Geschichte und Positionsbestimmung
[= Studien zur Geschichte und Gegenwart Asien, Bd. 4], Trafo Verlag, Berlin, 2014. 350 S
Einführung......................................................... vii
Die Frühzeit der Indologie in Berlin .........................1
Harry Falk
Academic Politics and Questions of Method: Bopp, Schlegel,
and the Beginnings of Indology at the University of Berlin.............11
Indra Sengupta
„Turfan“ und die Berliner Indologie ............................35
Caren Dreyer
Südasiatische Sprach- und Musikaufnahmen im Lautarchiv der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin............65
Jürgen-K. Mahrenholz
Die Rolle der Berliner Indologie und Indienkunde im „Dritten Reich“.................89
Maria Framke
Indra Sengupta
„Turfan“ und die Berliner Indologie ............................35
Caren Dreyer
Südasiatische Sprach- und Musikaufnahmen im Lautarchiv der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin............65
Jürgen-K. Mahrenholz
Die Rolle der Berliner Indologie und Indienkunde im „Dritten Reich“.................89
Maria Framke
Zur Geschichte der neuindologischen Studien an der Berliner
Friedrich-Wilhelms-/Humboldt-Universität (1865–2012).............129
Hannelore Lötzke
Von der Philologie zur Gesellschaftswissenschaft? Berliner Südasienforschung in der Zeit der DDR ..................165Michael Maschke
Hannelore Lötzke
Von der Philologie zur Gesellschaftswissenschaft? Berliner Südasienforschung in der Zeit der DDR ..................165Michael Maschke
Jana Tschurenev
Südasien an der Freien Universität Berlin. Eine Annäherung
an die Zeit zwischen Blockade und Wende ..............................203
Axel Klein
Das Museum für Indische Kunst – von seiner Gründung 1963 bis zur Abwicklung 2007 .............................235
Marianne Yaldiz
Indologie/Südasienwissenschaften an der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften (AdW) zu Berlin bzw. der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR zwischen 1947 und 1991......259
Annemarie Hafner
Südasienwissenschaften am Forschungsschwerpunkt Moderner Orient (1992–1995) und am Zentrum Moderner Orient (1996–2010) .....................285
Heike Liebau
Die Berliner Indologie und Südasienkunde im Strudel der Hochschulpolitik der 1990er und 2000er Jahre. Dokumentation einer wissenschaftspolitischen Fehlleistung.........305
Ingo Strauch
Ausblick ...................................331
Nadja-Christina Schneider
Axel Klein
Das Museum für Indische Kunst – von seiner Gründung 1963 bis zur Abwicklung 2007 .............................235
Marianne Yaldiz
Indologie/Südasienwissenschaften an der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften (AdW) zu Berlin bzw. der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR zwischen 1947 und 1991......259
Annemarie Hafner
Südasienwissenschaften am Forschungsschwerpunkt Moderner Orient (1992–1995) und am Zentrum Moderner Orient (1996–2010) .....................285
Heike Liebau
Die Berliner Indologie und Südasienkunde im Strudel der Hochschulpolitik der 1990er und 2000er Jahre. Dokumentation einer wissenschaftspolitischen Fehlleistung.........305
Ingo Strauch
Ausblick ...................................331
Nadja-Christina Schneider
2014. máj. 23.
Arabian Humanities 2 | 2013
Villes et dynamiques urbaines en péninsule Arabique
Cities and Urban Dynamics in the Arabian Peninsula
Claire Beaugrand, Amélie Le Renard et
Roman Stadnicki: Au-delà de la Skyline : des villes en
transformation dans la péninsule Arabique / Beyond the Skyline: Cities in
Transformation in the Arabian Peninsula
Nelida Fuccaro: Preface: Urban Studies in the
Arabian Peninsula: 6 Thoughts on the Field / Préface : Les études urbaines
en péninsule Arabique
1. Croissances, politiques et projets / Growth paths,
politics and projects
Brigitte Dumortier: Ras al‑Khaïmah, l’essor
récent d’une ville moyenne du Golfe / Ras al‑Khaimah : the recent dynamics
of a middle size city of the Arab‑Persian Gulf
Steffen Wippel: Développement et fragmentation d’une
ville moyenne en cours de mondialisation : le cas de Salalah (Oman) / Development
and Fragmentation of a Globalizing Secondary City: The Case of Salalah (Oman)
Sebastian Maisel: The Transformation of ‘Unayza:
Where is the “Paris of Najd” today? / La transformation de ‘Unayza : où en
est le « Paris du Najd » ?
Philippe Cadène: Koweït City :
planification urbaine et stratégie régionale / Kuwait City: Urban Planning
and Regional Strategy
Nadine Scharfenort: In Focus n° 1: Large‑Scale
Urban Regeneration: A New “Heart” for Doha / Focus n° 1 :
Revitalisation urbaine à grande échelle : un nouveau « cœur » pour
Beth Harrington: In Focus n° 2: Producing
Cultural Heritage: The Neoliberalization of Arts & Cultural Spaces in
Abu Dhabi’s Souk and Sa‛diyāt Island / Focus n° 2 : La création
d’un patrimoine culturel: néolibéralisation des arts et des espaces culturels
dans le souk d'Abu Dhabi et sur l'île de Sa‛diyāt
2. Hiérarchies, sociabilités et mobilisations / Hierarchies,
Sociabilities and Mobilisations
Patrizia Zanelli: In Focus n° 3: Sana’a and
Rapid Urbanization in some Short Stories by Muḥammad
al‑Gharbī ‘Amrān / Focus n° 3 : Sanaa et son urbanisation
rapide dans quelques nouvelles de Muḥammad
al‑Gharbī ‘Amrān
Amin Moghadam: De l’Iran imaginé aux nouveaux foyers
de l’Iran : pratiques et espaces transnationaux des Iraniens à Dubaï / From
imagined Iran to new homes of Iran: Transnational practices and spaces of
Iranians in Dubai
Laure Assaf: La Corniche d’Abu Dhabi : espace public
et intimités à ciel ouvert / The Corniche of Abu Dhabi: Public Space and
Intimacies in the Open Air
Laurent Damesin: La Place du Changement et la Place
de la Libération à Sanaa : espaces révolutionnaires et contre‑révolutionnaires
/ Change Square & Liberation Square in Sana’a: Revolutionary & Counter‑revolutionary
Lectures / Book reviews
Arab Studies Journal 2013/1
Arab Studies Journal 2013/1 Twentieth Anniversary Issue
Mixing, Separation, and Violence in Urban Spaces and the Rural Frontier in Palestine by Joel Beinin
On Iraqi Nationality: Law, Citizenship, and Exclusion by Zainab Saleh
Dangerous Weddings: Palestinian Poetry Festivals During Israel’s First Military Rule by Khaled Furani
Responsible Mothers, Anxious Women: Contraception and Neoliberalism in Morocco by Cortney Hughes Rinker
Global Arab World Migrations and Diasporas by Louise Cainkar
Diaspora Politics and Developmental Empire: The Syro-Lebanese at the League of Nations by Simon Jackson
Emigration and the Resilience of Politics in Lebanon by Wendy Pearlman
2014. máj. 21.
Die Welt des Islams. Volume 54, Issue 1, 2014
Die Welt des Islams. Volume 54, Issue 1, 2014
Thomas Philipp Christoph Schumann
Adam Mestyan Materials for a History of Hungarian
Academic Orientalism: The Case of Gyula Germanus pp.: 4–33
Hinrich Biesterfeldt pp.: 34–105
Robbert A.F.L. Woltering Post-Islamism in Distress? A
Critical Evaluation of the Theory in Islamist-Dominated Egypt (11 February
2011-3 July 2013)
pp.: 107–118
Új könyvek Keleti Gyűjtemény 2014/2
Néhány új szerzemény a Keleti Gyűjtemény 2014/2-es listájáról
Lowin, Shari L.: Arabic and Hebrew love poems in al-Andalus. London ; New York : Routledge, 2014.
Ruse and wit : the humorous in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish narrative. Boston, Mass. : Ilex Foundation ;
Washington, D.C. : Center for Hellenic Studies Trustees for Harvard University, 2012.
Roper, Geoffrey J.: The history of the book in the Middle East. Burlington (VT.) : Ashgate, 2013
Islamic theology, philosophy and law : debating Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2013
Aims, methods and contexts of Qurʼanic exegesis (2nd/8th-9th/15th centuries). Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.
Wellhausen, Julius (1844-1918): Briefe. [Tübingen] : Mohr Siebeck, 2013
Köster, Barbara: Der missverstandene Koran : warum der Islam neu begründet werden muss. Berlin ; Tübingen : Schiler, 2010
The Oxford encyclopedia of Islam and women. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2013.
The Princeton encyclopedia of Islamic political thought. Princeton; Oxford : Princeton University Press,
The Oxford handbook of Islam and politics. New York : Oxford University Press, 2013
2014. máj. 20.
Der Islam Band 91, Heft 1
Der Islam Band 91, Heft 1 (Mai 2014)
Nachruf auf Ernst J. Grube (1932–2011)
Haase, Claus-Peter
– What is in a Period? Arabic Historiography and
Hirschler, Konrad / Savant, Sarah Bowen
as a Tool of the Historian with Special Reference to Islamic History
Donner, Fred M.
Vanishing Syria :
Periodization and Power in Early Islam
Borrut, Antoine
Uncertain Times of Uncertain Meanings
Webb, Peter
Periodization and its Limits: Historiography in Contemporary Arab Monarchies
Determann, Jörg Matthias
Frames of
Time: Periodization and Universals in the Works of Abdallah Laroui
Riecken, Nils
Silence and
Nostalgia: Periodizing the Past in an Algiers
McAllister, Edward
2014. máj. 7.
A Buddha szavainak értelmezése konferencia
„A Buddha szavainak értelmezése”, konferencia az ELTE-n.
2014. május 13., kedd ELTE, Kari Tanácsterem
2014. május 13., kedd ELTE, Kari Tanácsterem
14:00–14:20: Megnyitó
I. elnök: Hamar Imre
- 14:20–14:40, Wojtilla Gyula (SZTE): Dhammapada 153-154. Lehetséges interpretációk
- 14:40–15:00, Tóth Erzsébet (ELTE): Śākyamuni Buddha kinyilatkoztatásainak jelentősége a tibeti „fokozatos út” (tib.: lam-rim) tanításban
- 15:00–15:20, Porció Tibor (SZTE): A Törvény betűje és szelleme. Széljegyzetek a Buddhizmus (2013) c. könyv margójára
- 15:20–15:40, Pap Melinda (ELTE): A mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra „arany penge” hasonlatának tiantai értelmezése – A gyémánt penge című értekezés címének eredete és jelentésrétegei
- 15:40–16:00, Ruzsa Ferenc (ELTE): A Buddha szavainak értelmezése – De hogyan is kell csinálni?
16:00–16:20: Szünet
II. elnök: Wojtilla Gyula
- 16:20–16:40, Hamar Imre (ELTE): Az Avatamszaka szútra kínai kommentárjai
- 16:40–17:00, Birtalan Ágnes (ELTE): „Burxanii jarlig” A Buddha szavai a mongol rituális szövegekben és a folklórban
- 17:00–17:20, Körtvélyesi Tibor (ELTE/TKBF): Bráhmin buddhisták, buddhista bráhminok
- 17:20–17:40, Kelényi Béla (Hopp Ferenc Múzeum): A Buddha szavai és Jézus cselekedetei. A tibeti buddhista és a tibeti keresztény Életkerék
- 17:40–18:00, Szegedi Mónika (ELTE): Az értelmezés módszerei a filozófiai kommentárokban
18:00–18:20: Szünet
III. elnök: Birtalan Ágnes
- 18:20–18:40, Gelle Zsóka (Universität Wien): Gter ma a hanyatlás koráról – Szerzőség és hitelesség kérdése egy 14. századi tibeti szöveg kapcsán
- 18:40–19:00, Helfenbein Katalin (ELTE): Dōgen és a Mahāparinirvāṇaszútra
- 19:00–19:20, Péter Alexa (ELTE): „A Buddha intelmeinek verses gyűjteménye” Tsongkhapa „A fokozatos út részletes kifejtése” című művében
- 19:20–19:40, Tongori Péter (Universität Hamburg): A köztes lét teóriája az indiai buddhizmusban
- 19:40–20:00, Hidas Gergely (ELTE): Néhány további megjegyzés a buddhizmus indiai forrásairól
2014. máj. 4.
Új könyvek Keleti Gyűjtemény 2014/1
Néhány új szerzemény a Keleti Gyűjtemény 2014/1-es listájáról
Garcin, Jean-Claude: Pour une lecture historique des Mille et une nuits : essai sur l'édition de Būlāq, 1835. Arles: Actes Sud ; [Paris] : Sindbad, 2013
The Oxford handbook of Arabic linguistics. New York, London: Oxford University Press, 2013
Köhler, Michael: Alliances and treaties between Frankish and Muslim rulers in the Middle East : cross-cultural diplomacy in the period of the Crusades. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013
Orijentalni Institut u Sarajevu: Katalog arapskih, turskih, perzijskih i bosanskih rukopisa. London, Sarajevo : Al-Furqān Fondacija za islamsko naslijeđe : Orijentalni Institut u Sarajevu, 2009
Islamisation et arabisation de l'occident musulman médiéval : VIIe-XIIe siècle. Paris : Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011.
2014. máj. 3.
2014. máj. 2.
CFP: Writing Semitic
CFP: Writing Semitic: Scripts, Documents, Languages in Historical Context - Munich 10/14
Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Committee of Semitic Philology; International Society for Arabic Papyrology; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies
07.10.2014-10.10.2014, Munich
Deadline: 31.08.2014
During the last years, Arabic papyrology has started to contribute significantly to Arabic and Islamic studies: we now dispose of a number high standard editions of documents; scholars working on the Islamic
World up to the 16th century counterbalance literary tradition with documentary evidence; and cooperation with Demotic, Greek, and Coptic papyrology has steadily improved.
The thematic framework of the "Sixth International Society for Arabic Papyrology (ISAP) Conference" in 2014 will be somewhat wider. We intend to bring together scholars using documentary evidence for the history of the Early Islamic world (including Arabic, Coptic, and Greek papyri, inscriptions and coins) with scholars working on Semitic languages and writing systems in general. About one third of the contributions will be devoted to this wider perspective.
The Sixth ISAP Conference will be hosted by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (http://www.badw.de) and be organized by the Academy's Committee of Semitic Philology, ISAP, and the Munich Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies. The conference will start on the morning of Tuesday, October 7, 2014, and continue through the afternoon of Friday, October 10, 2014. The programme will include 20-minute lectures, evening lectures, and a poster exhibition of current PhD projects, as well as a visit of the Bavarian State Library with its holdings in Oriental manuscripts (and Sabaic wood sticks). Optional visits will include the newly reopened Egyptian Museum and the State Museum for Ethnology. Conference languages will be English, German, French and Arabic. However, all lectures will be given in English.
Giving a lecture and/or presenting a poster: -
Participation with no lecture: Please send a notice of intent to participate to Dr. Kathrin Müller (pap@semphil.badw.de) no later then end of August, 2014. There will be no conference fee charged. Yet,
participants will be asked, on spot, to be or become members of ISAP. Information on membership can be found on the ISAP website (http://www.naher-osten.lmu.de/isap).
Travel Subsidies: It is hoped that the Conference will be able to offer a few awards for scholars not able to get institutional subventions for travel to Munich. Please let us know as soon as possible whether you will be in need for such sponsoring.
Conference Organizers: If you have any further questions about the Conference, please contact Dr. Kathrin Müller (pap@semphil.badw.de), Professor Andreas Kaplony (andreas.kaplony@lmu.de) or Dr. Daniel
Potthast (daniel.potthast@lmu.de).
Kathrin Müller
Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Kommission für Semitische Philologie
Alfons-Goppel-Strasse 11, 80539 München
Homepage http://www.naher-osten.lmu.de/isap/isap_conference_2014
Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Committee of Semitic Philology; International Society for Arabic Papyrology; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies
07.10.2014-10.10.2014, Munich
Deadline: 31.08.2014
During the last years, Arabic papyrology has started to contribute significantly to Arabic and Islamic studies: we now dispose of a number high standard editions of documents; scholars working on the Islamic
World up to the 16th century counterbalance literary tradition with documentary evidence; and cooperation with Demotic, Greek, and Coptic papyrology has steadily improved.
The thematic framework of the "Sixth International Society for Arabic Papyrology (ISAP) Conference" in 2014 will be somewhat wider. We intend to bring together scholars using documentary evidence for the history of the Early Islamic world (including Arabic, Coptic, and Greek papyri, inscriptions and coins) with scholars working on Semitic languages and writing systems in general. About one third of the contributions will be devoted to this wider perspective.
The Sixth ISAP Conference will be hosted by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (http://www.badw.de) and be organized by the Academy's Committee of Semitic Philology, ISAP, and the Munich Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies. The conference will start on the morning of Tuesday, October 7, 2014, and continue through the afternoon of Friday, October 10, 2014. The programme will include 20-minute lectures, evening lectures, and a poster exhibition of current PhD projects, as well as a visit of the Bavarian State Library with its holdings in Oriental manuscripts (and Sabaic wood sticks). Optional visits will include the newly reopened Egyptian Museum and the State Museum for Ethnology. Conference languages will be English, German, French and Arabic. However, all lectures will be given in English.
Giving a lecture and/or presenting a poster: -
Participation with no lecture: Please send a notice of intent to participate to Dr. Kathrin Müller (pap@semphil.badw.de) no later then end of August, 2014. There will be no conference fee charged. Yet,
participants will be asked, on spot, to be or become members of ISAP. Information on membership can be found on the ISAP website (http://www.naher-osten.lmu.de/isap).
Travel Subsidies: It is hoped that the Conference will be able to offer a few awards for scholars not able to get institutional subventions for travel to Munich. Please let us know as soon as possible whether you will be in need for such sponsoring.
Conference Organizers: If you have any further questions about the Conference, please contact Dr. Kathrin Müller (pap@semphil.badw.de), Professor Andreas Kaplony (andreas.kaplony@lmu.de) or Dr. Daniel
Potthast (daniel.potthast@lmu.de).
Kathrin Müller
Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Kommission für Semitische Philologie
Alfons-Goppel-Strasse 11, 80539 München
Homepage http://www.naher-osten.lmu.de/isap/isap_conference_2014
Bejegyzések (Atom)